Scott a quaint town in Minnesota, struggles with access to medical care, which adversely impacts the mental health and leads to chronic health issues among its residents (Capella University, 2023). To address this, a shift towards incorporating telehealth technology at the community center is proposed, necessitating policy adjustments and financial backing from government and private sectors for effective deployment.
Telehealth promises an affordable way for Jordan’s community members to receive medical care remotely, although its success hinges on adequate funding and support (Ganesh et al., 2020). Relevant policies from government entities, including those established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicare, and Medicaid, are critical for this initiative. These measures aim to make healthcare more accessible and affordable, particularly for those in lower socioeconomic brackets who struggle to afford medical services (Carey et al., 2020).
The community center and healthcare services in Scott are in dire need of enhanced access to medical resources (Capella University, 2023). The proposed advancements, including telehealth technology and additional healthcare staffing for remote care, are beyond their financial reach, necessitating financial support from external governmental and private entities. Survey findings highlight that Jordan’s residents, predominantly from low-socioeconomic backgrounds, struggle to afford medical care (City of Jordan, 2021). Securing adequate funding is crucial for the successful implementation of telehealth technology, which promises to significantly improve healthcare access and address the obstacles faced by those with limited income.
The adoption of the proposed change faces several obstacles, including the reluctance of community members to accept new technology due to a lack of awareness and knowledge. Additionally, the risk of data breaches and concerns regarding security and privacy act as impediments to the change initiative. The absence of adequate technical support for the use of advanced telehealth technology by both community members and healthcare personnel further complicates the situation (Mahoney, 2020). Failure to address these issues may lead to difficulties in managing patient health effectively, an increase in hospital readmissions, and subsequent healthcare provider burnout and disruption of work-life balance. Therefore, it is imperative to implement the suggested changes at the Jordan community center to resolve these issues.
The Windshield survey findings highlight the necessity of enhancing healthcare services for economically disadvantaged groups within the Jordan community (Capella University, 2023). The underlying assumptions fueling the push for this policy revision among policymakers, community members, and healthcare providers center on ensuring equitable access to medical care for all segments of the community, irrespective of social, racial, or economic disparities.
Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions and resources influencing individuals’ health and well-being (Palmer et al., 2019). These determinants encompass environmental factors, educational opportunities, and healthcare access, as well as the social and physical environments impacting personal health. Survey findings indicate that for the Jordan community, critical SDOH include socioeconomic status, experiences of racism, levels of education, and the availability of healthcare services (Capella University, 2023). These factors contribute to disparities in accessing healthcare. Addressing these disparities through the adoption of telehealth technology could facilitate equitable healthcare access for all, regardless of socioeconomic or racial differences.
The Windshield survey and environmental analysis are instrumental in pinpointing both the health necessities and the environmental challenges within the Jordan community, highlighting areas for enhancement. This survey revealed the community’s assets, including its schools, parks, city council, healthcare facilities, eateries, and recreational venues. Despite these positives, issues such as poor water
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